Comprehensive application of Western medicine, Chinese medicine, natural medicine, large modern hospital

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Home Anorexic Department

Anus and Perianal Diseases diagnosis and therapy :

Such as endohemorrhoids, cutaneous hemorrhoids (or both), anal fissure, Anorectal abscess, anal stenosis, incontinence, rectal prolapse, anal eczema, itchy anus, constipation and short colon associated with perforated anus.

Anorectal Emergency Treatment:

Acute intestinal obstruction, perforated colon, colorectal rupture, colorectal foreign bodies, and acute anorectal bleeding etc.

Colorectal Sigmoid Tumor treatment:

By using Colonoscope and therapy, Endoscope Capsule, Surgery and Chinese medicine to help patients achieve healing) such as rectum and sigmoid colon polyps diseases etc.

Colorectal anal injury, congenital anorectal malformation etc.
