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Home Preventive Medicine Testing Items

Testing Items

Cardiovascular circulation testing: analyzing artery condition and aging degree. 

Aging testing: analyzing oxidation degree of the body. 

Acid-base balance testing: analyzing acid base condition of the body.  

Immune function test: testing the immune function of the body.  

Cancer screening testing: detecting cancer in the early time. 

Blood lipid, liver and kidney function testing: analyzing liver and kidney function. 

Electromagnetic testing: observing electromagnetic repose on different part of the body, helpful to early detect signal of disease. 

Meridian system testing : knowing the meridian condition and finding whether there is blockage 

of the meridians.

Nutrition and dietary evaluation: analyzing the nutrition condition to know whether there is malnutrition or overnutrition.

Recognition of TCM constitution: From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, constitution is analyzed for better health care guidance. 

Circulatory system testing: analyzing the body internal circulation and detecting some conditions such allergic food, tooth condition, etc.


Heavy metal and trace elements detection: detecting the condition of heavy metal and trace elements in the body. 
