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Factors that increase the risk of breast cancer


Breast cancer is the most common cancer with high incidence rate among women. In recent years, there are treatments that have proven useful in fighting breast cancer and life-prolonging, such as breast-conserving surgery and mastectomy with reconstruction. With those treatment choices, still, it cannot stop the fear of breast cancer from women. Oncologist from Clifford Hospital indicates that only 5% of the breast cancers are related to genetics. In most cases, causes of breast cancer are related to women who have never given birth to a child or breastfed, and are always stressful, aggressive, with heavy workload, poor diet and lack of physical activity.


In addition, high protein and high hormone diet is also one of the reasons to raise the risk of breast cancer. Oncologist from Clifford Hospital said excess fat leads to higher estrogen levels which will link to the development of breast cancer, cervical cancer and other gynecologic tumors. Therefore, people who are overweight or obese may increase chances of getting breast cancer compared to those with normal weight. 


Excessive protein and hormone supplements may also cause breast diseases. For example, having too much breast enhancement products or high-estrogen’s tonic such as Hasma may lead to metabolic dysfunction which will increase the risk of breast cancer.


Regular screening can prevent breast cancer 

As per oncologist from Clifford Hospital, stage I breast cancer can be successfully treated and over 90% of patients can get long-term survival with good life quality. Therefore, “Early detection, diagnosis and treatment” are the key factors to improve the treatment effect of breast cancer. Organizations like “World Cancer Day” and “Pink Ribbon” help to raise awareness of breast health. Having a clinical breast exam or doing a breast self-exam can help to detect cancer early.


The best time to perform the breast self-exam is several days (within a week) after menstruation. During this period, the hormone levels drop and breast are least likely to be swollen and tender. Also, doctors recommend to have breast self-exam in the shower where the soapy skin can make it easy to feel lumps by using fingers firmly press down and moving toward the nipple, then away from the nipple. Following the same pattern for two breasts, especially in the upper outer quadrant where the most common site for incidence of breast cancer. However, some of them do not have noticeable lump and could delay diagnosis. Therefore, clinical exam for all women starting at age 20 is essential.

Annual screening with breast ultrasound is recommended for all women beginning at age 20. Mammograms are also suggested to women with family history of breast diseases or those give birth to their first child after the age of 30. In addition, mammogram is a type of x-ray to detect breast disease and is not recommended for women around 20 years old since breast tissue tends to be denser and more sensitive in young women.


Learn to love yourself after breast cancer diagnosis


“When first diagnosed with breast cancer, patients are experiencing huge impacts both physically and psychologically, especially when removal of the breast is required.” said oncologist from Clifford Hospital. Currently, surgical resection is one of the main treatments of breast cancer. Surgeon decided which method to use, breast-conserving surgery or reconstruction, depends on the test result and the situation during surgery. Under certain circumstances, it may include adjuvant chemotherapy. It can apply non-toxic integrated cancer treatment, such as traditional Chinese medicine, chelation therapy and medical Ozone therapy before or after surgery, in order to strengthen immune system, suppress of tumor growth, metastasis and recurrence.


Breast reconstruction can be performed immediately after mastectomy. Oncologist from Clifford Hospital explained immediate reconstruction can spare the time of inpatient rehabilitation with better cosmetic outcome. Its boosts the confidence and regain beauty of the patient.

ersonality traits of most of the breast cancer patients are competitive, perfectionism and impetuous. Although there is no sufficient evidence to prove there is relationship between breast cancer and personality, it is a disease regarding to lifestyle habits. Other than solely rely on the treatment methods, it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle, slow down the pace and relax. Doctors and patients should share the same concepts in order to outsmart cancer.


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