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Home Dermatology Western Medicine Therapy

Western Medicine Therapy

1. Red-Blue light therapeutic equipment:

Blue light is able to destroy propionibacterium acnes. In the early stage of acne inflammation, it can control the coverage of inflammation effectively. It can reduce the damage to the skin and shorten the duration of symptoms. Combination of Traditional Chinese and Western medicine have proved as an effective acne treatment. Red light can be used during the later stage to reduce recurrence and the signs of acne scarring, repair damaged skin and improve skin elasticity. It is consider as an efficient, non-invasive treatment.

2.Helium-neon laser therapeutic equipment: Helium-neon laser can stimulate the activity of various enzymes, increase immunity, accelerate the growth of epithelial cells, promoting wound healing and regenerate the damaged nerves. The laser can penetrate into skin tissue (10-15 mm depth) which will stimulate nerve endings and dilate vascular tissues. It helps to reduce inflammation, relieve swelling and pain, relieve itching and improve healing. It is specialized in curing herpes zoster and hard-healing wound. 

3. Sigma-UV therapeutic equipment: Narrow-band ultraviolet has a function of sterilization and anti- inflammation. Also, studies have proven it can reduce inflammation, improve local blood circulation and accelerated healing of the rash. It is a simple and safe method with less side effect. It has significant effect in treating psoriasis, vitiligo and obstinate eczema.
