Comprehensive application of Western medicine, Chinese medicine, natural medicine, large modern hospital
Traditional Chinese medicine: It is suitable for various children diseases.
Acupuncture and Moxibustion therapy: Dredging meridian, regulating yin-yang, reinforce the healthy qi and eliminate the pathogenic factors. It is suitable for cerebral palsy, mental retardation, autism, peripheral nerve injury, etc.
Tuina Therapy: Relax sinews and stimulate the blood circulation, soften hardness and dissipate binds, relieving spasm. It is suitable for congenital torticollis, stiff neck, talipes equinovarus, adducted thumbs.
Acupressure: It helps to relieve occlusion, pain and cold-dispelling. To stimulate and promote functional activities of the viscera and in the mean time to enhance the body’s ability to resist disease. It is suitable for fever, pneumonia, obesity, diarrhea, intestinal spasm, etc.
Spinal pinching for children: It is effective for regulating yin-yang and dredging meridian. It is suitable for people with weakened immune systems, dyspepsia, picky eater, diarrhea, malnutritional stagnation, etc.
External application: It is effective in pain relief, anti-inflammation, boost immune system and improve metabolism. It is suitable for people with weakened immune systems, torticollis, scleredema, etc.
Steaming: It promotes blood circulation and increase metabolism. It is suitable for mental retardation, cerebral palsy, torticollis, nerve injury, etc.
Medicated bath: It promotes blood circulation and increase metabolism.
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