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Home Anesthesiology

Clinical anesthesia: Anesthesia Operating Center operates 24 hours a day. It provides patients with a comfortable, safe, painless surgery and anesthesia services. 

Analgesic therapy of post operation: We design a tailor-made analgesia program for post-operative patients so as to ease the patient's wound pain and reduce physical exertion and proteolysis of the body to hasten the recovery process.

Endoscopy: We provide daily (24 hours per day) painless service to outpatient endoscope examination and treatment to relieve patients' fear of endoscope examination and make them feel relax and comfortable. 

Painless delivery: Anesthesiology Department can provide analgesia service for prospective mothers. During the process of labor and giving birth, especially for the fist time mothers, the pain of childbirth is equivalent to limb fracture. It can greatly consume physical strength and energy, it may lead to acidosis and the worst may cause delivery failure which is unfavorable for both mother and baby. In addition, we provide painless service to abortion. 

Rescue: 24 hours a day to provide first aid rescue services, in particular provide technical support for the difficult endotracheal intubations procedures to ensure that respiratory tracts are open.

Deep venous catheter: Subclavian venipuncture or internal jugular vein catheter service is provided 24 hours a day to solve the problems of shallow peripheral intravenous infusion.
