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Zhao Xiaoqing

Associate Chief Physician

Department: Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic

Dr. Zhao Xiaoqing, a famous consultant of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has been practicing as a gastroenterologist in for almost 20 years. He learned from Guangdong famous TCM experts, Professor Luo Yunjian, Professor Huang Xianzhang and Beijing famous TCM experts, Professor Li Qiangou and Professor Meng Qingyun.

He specializes in using Chinese medicine to treat cold, fever, cough, insomnia, aphtha, dyspepsia, gastric distention, stomach, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constitution, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, menopause syndrome, gallstone, kidney stone, urinary tract infection, endocrine disease and skin allergy, especially difficult and complicated diseases like recurrent oral ulceration, laryngopharyngitis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and atrophic gastritis. He is experienced in body adjusting for subhealth, status post lesion resection like digestive tract polyp removal and digestive precancerous lesions.

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